

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dengeki Daisy
Teru was left little but a cell phone when her brother died, a cell phone that contained the text-address of an elusive character named DAISY who Teru's brother had told her would "Support her when he was no longer able to." DAISY became Teru's pillar of strength over the next few years as he sent her encouraging words through his phone whether inspiring or mere chatter as she faces her life alone. The story begins one afternoon as Teru is bullied by the student council. Teru accidentally breaks a school window which results in her working for the grouchy, cruel school janitor named Tasuku Kurosaki. As Teru begins working for the unlikable school janitor, her feelings begin to surpass that of master and servant and she begins to question DAISY's true identity. Could Kurosaki be her beloved DAISY? Meanwhile, Kurosaki is finding himself steadily drawn to Teru. Will he "reach out" to her?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010



故事的女主 鲇泽美咲 正就读于星华高中高二一班,16岁的她是该校第一位女性学生会长。这是因为星华高中原本是男校,就算现在成为了男女合校,也仍然造成了男生的数量占绝大多数,女生在其中毫无地位的局面。而为了守护女生,鲇泽美咲以文武两道都不输于男生的能力全天候与蛮横的男生对抗。但她有一个秘密。由于父亲留下了债务后人间蒸发,这种不负责任的行为给美咲留下了心理创伤,使她相当讨厌男性(这也是她强大起来的动力)。为了能够对捉襟见肘的家庭有所帮助,她一直在女仆咖啡厅做兼职。所谓没有永远的秘密,于是在某一天,这个秘密终于被学校中大受女生欢迎的怪男、同时也是自己竞争对手的 碓冰拓海 知道了……拥有会长与女仆双重身份的美咲,接下来的校园生活会变成什么样呢?